Become a New Patient By Enrolling into a Wellness Program
Monthly Fee: $80 (Adult), $40 (Child), $20 (Child w/ Adult Member)
Monthly Fee: $280 (Adult), $220 (Child)
Fee: $450 per individual
Time: 45 min face-to-face visit plus pre-visit preparation
Some prospective patients desire a more-indepth, face-to-face medical consultation to obtain a clearer sense of Dr. Caccopola's approach to their individual medical conditions before enrolling.
Discovery Consultations are allowed one-time, pre-enrollment.
Complete medical history forms must be completed before scheduling this consultation. These will be reviewed prior to your visit.
Dr. Caccopola will answer any questions and provide feedback to your specific health inquiries and/or lab results.
Discovery visits are 45 min and do not include a physical exam
If prospective patients desire medical records/labs be reviewed before this consultation, then a charge of $75 per 15 min of review time will be added to the consultation fee.
If a patient subsequently enrolls into a Wellness program, then $225 credit will be applied to offset initial enrollment fee.
This time is reserved specifically for you. Please provide 48 hrs notice to avoid $225 cancellation fee.
Missed time or late arrivals will still be charged full amount